Saturday, December 31, 2005

Earth's Largest Read Newspaper

The Times of India is world's largest read newspaper, thanks to the english crazy Indian population.

But there is much more to the story, Times has been selling editorial pieces under its Edvertorial(combining editorial + advertisement) program for more than one year. It is buying stakes in companies with an agreement that the companies would continue to ad on The Times of India for years. Times has been crushing down blogs which are writing against it. It is airing views in form of news. It has crossed all red lines in journalism and it is more dangerous because it is widely recognized and read. When Ruport Murdoch came to India there were reports that, he would take control of the media and start influencing the government of the country but no one ever thought of The Times, which is doing the same thing. As has been pointed out by many people, there is no one to report about print media in India. TV channels come under a lot of scanner by the print media but no one reports over the behemoth that Times is. It has got a image which makes it taken for granted for the public as a whole.

Masala news provided by The Times gives a relief from day to day problem of life and very few care as long as entertainment is there.

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